• Accelerator


  • Renewable Energy
  • Cohort 4 2021
  • Alumni
  • Accelerator


  • Renewable Energy
  • Cohort 4 2021
  • Alumni

Inventor's story

FortyGuard is an urban cooling enterprise system that offers a turnkey heat reduction capability to help mitigate expanding heat emergencies at local levels. We utilize a two layer sensing services (satellite + local) to collect data from places such as an interlock open yard or parking to a roadway made of asphalt. Our software will baseline the data to make informed decisions; guided by our industrial technology and synced with the client’s objectives to strategically place our material enhancement technology to reduce multiple urban surface temperatures in a cost effective manner.

FortyGuard roadway cooling modification of pavers (interlock) and asphalt acts as a lifetime application for roadway surfaces, advancing the material performance, and regulating the surface emissivity and reflectance of heat, thereby mitigating pedestrian or residents discomfort.

FortyGuard provides urban comfort in a passive cooling urban model that will couple with existing architectural cooling efforts. By utilizing a re-qualification approach which relies on heat controlled sinks, we will add a cooling ability by maintaining optimal operating temperatures.

FortyGuard utilize data as a manner of assisting natural disaster preparedness in response activities for pending heat emergencies. Our urban climate modeling services will ultimately strategize the best solutions to enhance the experience of humans within the city by providing heat risk assessments and air quality measurements.

from UAE

Testimonials from this Member

Jihad Sadiq, Founder, Fortyguard

“The team has benefitted from showcase opportunities at Gitex and Step Conference which provides a stage to engage directly with potential clients and partners alongside many long established businesses. ”

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