• Accelerator

AR Engineering

  • Education
  • Cohort 5 2022
  • Alumni
  • Accelerator

AR Engineering

  • Education
  • Cohort 5 2022
  • Alumni

Inventor's story

We are a team of new-age engineers focused on advancing the needle when it comes to deploying MR, XR, and other “Realities” for the purpose of improving the user experience and bringing them closer to experiencing the physical realm from a remote setting.

Some of the industries we serve include (Aerospace, Oil & Gas, Water, Energy, Automotive, Manufacturing, Retail & Education).

Since our foundation in 2019, our mission has been to provide exceptional Learning, Training & Operations experiences that will significantly impact the lives of the workforce!

from UAE

About the founder

Akram Amir is the Founder & CEO of AR Engineering FZE, a software company that provides immersive technology tools to various organizations to help them in their learning and training processes.

Before devoting his work full time to AR Engineering, Akram worked on research studies on nanotechnology, while before that he also worked on designing and building drones.

Currently Akram works with a team of engineers that are putting in their combined knowledge and experience to close the knowledge & skills gap that exists in the industry. By leveraging advanced XR (Extended Reality) software tools they bring the learners and professionals to a higher level of training that was not previously available to them.

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